Helinä Rautavaara Ethnographic Museum Foundation

About the Foundation behind the Museum 

Detail of a berimbau musical bow, a collection item from Brazil. Photo: Ulla Paakkunainen

The Helinä Rautavaara Ethnographic Museum Foundation is managed by a seven-member Board elected for two calendar years at a time. 

The City of Espoo appoints four members to the Foundation Board, with the University of Helsinki, the Finnish Anthropological Society and the Finnish Museum Association each appointing one member. Agent for the Foundation is the Director of the Helinä Rautavaara Museum.

The Board of the Helinä Rautavaara Ethnographic Museum Foundation 2025–2026:

Mikko Björklund (Liik.), City of Espoo

Laura Huttunen, Finnish Anthropological Society

Leea Mellin (NCP), City of Espoo

Kirsi Saarikangas, University of Helsinki, Chairman

Maria Outinen (SDP), City of Espoo

Marjo Poutanen, Finnish Museums Association, Vice-Chairman

Teemu Tares (PerusS), City of Espoo